On a custom weekday evening, I was one amongst a million bachelors (empathy) watching Sun Music.
Why sun music? Could be attributed to the following two reasons:
* Typical hatred and boredom developed from the childhood days, due to the inability to overcome my grandma's and mom's passion towards mindblogging (!!??!!), mundane teleserials
* No Set top box (And hence, no Ten sports, Star movies and those kinds)
Suddenly I unintenionaly gave a couple of minutes rest to my poor remote controller. A man in a gaudy yellow silk shirt and a white dhoti, with a neck cover of the red came on the screen. Basically being a music lover, irrespective of whatever the kind being (may be it gaana or melody or rock or ghazal) I enjoyed the beat of the song.
There existed a strangeness or alienness in the way in which the entire song was presented, that created a curiosity in me, and hence probably a liking on the same.
A strange body language with His (the singer on screen) hands and fingers mostly doing the dance, rather than any other part of His body, a cooler, a dark thin man holding a microphone and absolutely following His actions and lip movements, a hardcore dappanguthu choreography were a few strangers worth mentioning that invited my interest.
I was impressed. The tune has made a half way mark entrance in to my mind.
A couple of days later, while I was busy skipping channels, the same song appeared on screen. Now that I got a feel of the tune, I now paid more attention in collecting other general details about the song. What is the movie? Who was the music composer? and the likes.
During the research, I got an interesting piece of info. The man who sang on screen, was also the one who sung behind. GAANA ULAGANATHAN...
I decided to do a bit more research on him. The following were some info about the "Vaala meenu" pugal Ulaganathan:
* Born, brought up in Vyasarpaadi
* Horned his singing skills by singing in Marriages and death ceremonies
* Had already sung a song Gummango in the album Machi (music by A.R.Rehana, S - God's own sister)
* He and his small troop used to drink the whole night, bringing out songs in between
* A good lyricists apart from singing
Sure this guy is gonna reach heights of his own. Eg. The next week of the release of the movie (Chithiram Pesuthadi), he was given the privilege of addressing Aanantha Vikatan, followed by a couple of stage shows with the City's leading orchestras... Why not would the orchestra troops be fond of Him? That too after the Vazha Meenu song becoming a blockbuster hit. Every day sun music starts the day and ends it with this song.
All the best Gaana Ulags ! Ent

Media Thimingalam Thaanugo!
I sincerely feel that there has been a huge hype that is created by the media for this song. This song would not have attained such heights without the media publicity.....! There are a lot of good numbers that are getting un-noticed and un-heard by the people.. Why cant media promote good songs...? I feel that only because of the repeated telecast of this song it has become popular. We have similar kind of songs sung by Pushpavanam Kuppuswamy and many others which have not even reached the public.
Media can allocate an hour and telecast these kind of songs. If song like Vazha meenu with the kind of dance, music and voice gets popular, am sure even other pop singer's songs will also reach the mass. It will also give them a good break.....!
1:13 AM
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